Verzeichnisstruktur phpBB-2.0.0
- Veröffentlicht
- 03.04.2002
So funktioniert es
Auf das letzte Element klicken. Dies geht jeweils ein Schritt zurück |
Auf das Icon klicken, dies öffnet das Verzeichnis. Nochmal klicken schließt das Verzeichnis. |
(Beispiel Datei-Icons)
Auf das Icon klicken um den Quellcode anzuzeigen |
001 <?php
002 /***************************************************************************
003 * template.php
004 * -------------------
005 * begin : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
006 * copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
007 * email :
008 *
009 * $Id$
010 *
011 *
012 ***************************************************************************/
014 /***************************************************************************
015 *
016 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
017 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
018 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
019 * (at your option) any later version.
020 *
021 ***************************************************************************/
023 /**
024 * Template class. By Nathan Codding of the phpBB group.
025 * The interface was originally inspired by PHPLib templates,
026 * and the template file formats are quite similar.
027 *
028 */
030 class Template {
031 var $classname = "Template";
033 // variable that holds all the data we'll be substituting into
034 // the compiled templates.
035 // ...
036 // This will end up being a multi-dimensional array like this:
037 // $this->_tpldata[block.][iteration#][child.][iteration#][child2.][iteration#][variablename] == value
038 // if it's a root-level variable, it'll be like this:
039 // $this->_tpldata[.][0][varname] == value
040 var $_tpldata = array();
042 // Hash of filenames for each template handle.
043 var $files = array();
045 // Root template directory.
046 var $root = "";
048 // this will hash handle names to the compiled code for that handle.
049 var $compiled_code = array();
051 // This will hold the uncompiled code for that handle.
052 var $uncompiled_code = array();
054 /**
055 * Constructor. Simply sets the root dir.
056 *
057 */
058 function Template($root = ".")
059 {
060 $this->set_rootdir($root);
061 }
063 /**
064 * Destroys this template object. Should be called when you're done with it, in order
065 * to clear out the template data so you can load/parse a new template set.
066 */
067 function destroy()
068 {
069 $this->_tpldata = array();
070 }
072 /**
073 * Sets the template root directory for this Template object.
074 */
075 function set_rootdir($dir)
076 {
077 if (!is_dir($dir))
078 {
079 return false;
080 }
082 $this->root = $dir;
083 return true;
084 }
086 /**
087 * Sets the template filenames for handles. $filename_array
088 * should be a hash of handle => filename pairs.
089 */
090 function set_filenames($filename_array)
091 {
092 if (!is_array($filename_array))
093 {
094 return false;
095 }
097 reset($filename_array);
098 while(list($handle, $filename) = each($filename_array))
099 {
100 $this->files[$handle] = $this->make_filename($filename);
101 }
103 return true;
104 }
107 /**
108 * Load the file for the handle, compile the file,
109 * and run the compiled code. This will print out
110 * the results of executing the template.
111 */
112 function pparse($handle)
113 {
114 if (!$this->loadfile($handle))
115 {
116 die("Template->pparse(): Couldn't load template file for handle $handle");
117 }
119 // actually compile the template now.
120 if (!isset($this->compiled_code[$handle]) || empty($this->compiled_code[$handle]))
121 {
122 // Actually compile the code now.
123 $this->compiled_code[$handle] = $this->compile($this->uncompiled_code[$handle]);
124 }
126 // Run the compiled code.
127 eval($this->compiled_code[$handle]);
128 return true;
129 }
131 /**
132 * Inserts the uncompiled code for $handle as the
133 * value of $varname in the root-level. This can be used
134 * to effectively include a template in the middle of another
135 * template.
136 * Note that all desired assignments to the variables in $handle should be done
137 * BEFORE calling this function.
138 */
139 function assign_var_from_handle($varname, $handle)
140 {
141 if (!$this->loadfile($handle))
142 {
143 die("Template->assign_var_from_handle(): Couldn't load template file for handle $handle");
144 }
146 // Compile it, with the "no echo statements" option on.
147 $_str = "";
148 $code = $this->compile($this->uncompiled_code[$handle], true, '_str');
150 // evaluate the variable assignment.
151 eval($code);
152 // assign the value of the generated variable to the given varname.
153 $this->assign_var($varname, $_str);
155 return true;
156 }
158 /**
159 * Block-level variable assignment. Adds a new block iteration with the given
160 * variable assignments. Note that this should only be called once per block
161 * iteration.
162 */
163 function assign_block_vars($blockname, $vararray)
164 {
165 if (strstr($blockname, '.'))
166 {
167 // Nested block.
168 $blocks = explode('.', $blockname);
169 $blockcount = sizeof($blocks) - 1;
170 $str = '$this->_tpldata';
171 for ($i = 0; $i < $blockcount; $i++)
172 {
173 $str .= '[\'' . $blocks[$i] . '.\']';
174 eval('$lastiteration = sizeof(' . $str . ') - 1;');
175 $str .= '[' . $lastiteration . ']';
176 }
177 // Now we add the block that we're actually assigning to.
178 // We're adding a new iteration to this block with the given
179 // variable assignments.
180 $str .= '[\'' . $blocks[$blockcount] . '.\'][] = $vararray;';
182 // Now we evaluate this assignment we've built up.
183 eval($str);
184 }
185 else
186 {
187 // Top-level block.
188 // Add a new iteration to this block with the variable assignments
189 // we were given.
190 $this->_tpldata[$blockname . '.'][] = $vararray;
191 }
193 return true;
194 }
196 /**
197 * Root-level variable assignment. Adds to current assignments, overriding
198 * any existing variable assignment with the same name.
199 */
200 function assign_vars($vararray)
201 {
202 reset ($vararray);
203 while (list($key, $val) = each($vararray))
204 {
205 $this->_tpldata['.'][0][$key] = $val;
206 }
208 return true;
209 }
211 /**
212 * Root-level variable assignment. Adds to current assignments, overriding
213 * any existing variable assignment with the same name.
214 */
215 function assign_var($varname, $varval)
216 {
217 $this->_tpldata['.'][0][$varname] = $varval;
219 return true;
220 }
223 /**
224 * Generates a full path+filename for the given filename, which can either
225 * be an absolute name, or a name relative to the rootdir for this Template
226 * object.
227 */
228 function make_filename($filename)
229 {
230 // Check if it's an absolute or relative path.
231 if (substr($filename, 0, 1) != '/')
232 {
233 $filename = ($rp_filename = phpbb_realpath($this->root . '/' . $filename)) ? $rp_filename : $filename;
234 }
236 if (!file_exists($filename))
237 {
238 die("Template->make_filename(): Error - file $filename does not exist");
239 }
241 return $filename;
242 }
245 /**
246 * If not already done, load the file for the given handle and populate
247 * the uncompiled_code[] hash with its code. Do not compile.
248 */
249 function loadfile($handle)
250 {
251 // If the file for this handle is already loaded and compiled, do nothing.
252 if (isset($this->uncompiled_code[$handle]) && !empty($this->uncompiled_code[$handle]))
253 {
254 return true;
255 }
257 // If we don't have a file assigned to this handle, die.
258 if (!isset($this->files[$handle]))
259 {
260 die("Template->loadfile(): No file specified for handle $handle");
261 }
263 $filename = $this->files[$handle];
265 $str = implode("", @file($filename));
266 if (empty($str))
267 {
268 die("Template->loadfile(): File $filename for handle $handle is empty");
269 }
271 $this->uncompiled_code[$handle] = $str;
273 return true;
274 }
278 /**
279 * Compiles the given string of code, and returns
280 * the result in a string.
281 * If "do_not_echo" is true, the returned code will not be directly
282 * executable, but can be used as part of a variable assignment
283 * for use in assign_code_from_handle().
284 */
285 function compile($code, $do_not_echo = false, $retvar = '')
286 {
287 // replace \ with \\ and then ' with \'.
288 $code = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $code);
289 $code = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $code);
291 // change template varrefs into PHP varrefs
293 // This one will handle varrefs WITH namespaces
294 $varrefs = array();
295 preg_match_all('#\{(([a-z0-9\-_]+?\.)+?)([a-z0-9\-_]+?)\}#is', $code, $varrefs);
296 $varcount = sizeof($varrefs[1]);
297 for ($i = 0; $i < $varcount; $i++)
298 {
299 $namespace = $varrefs[1][$i];
300 $varname = $varrefs[3][$i];
301 $new = $this->generate_block_varref($namespace, $varname);
303 $code = str_replace($varrefs[0][$i], $new, $code);
304 }
306 // This will handle the remaining root-level varrefs
307 $code = preg_replace('#\{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is', '\' . ( ( isset($this->_tpldata[\'.\'][0][\'\1\']) ) ? $this->_tpldata[\'.\'][0][\'\1\'] : \'\' ) . \'', $code);
309 // Break it up into lines.
310 $code_lines = explode("\n", $code);
312 $block_nesting_level = 0;
313 $block_names = array();
314 $block_names[0] = ".";
316 // Second: prepend echo ', append ' . "\n"; to each line.
317 $line_count = sizeof($code_lines);
318 for ($i = 0; $i < $line_count; $i++)
319 {
320 $code_lines[$i] = chop($code_lines[$i]);
321 if (preg_match('#<!-- BEGIN (.*?) -->#', $code_lines[$i], $m))
322 {
323 $n[0] = $m[0];
324 $n[1] = $m[1];
326 // Added: dougk_ff7-Keeps templates from bombing if begin is on the same line as end.. I think. :)
327 if ( preg_match('#<!-- END (.*?) -->#', $code_lines[$i], $n) )
328 {
329 $block_nesting_level++;
330 $block_names[$block_nesting_level] = $m[1];
331 if ($block_nesting_level < 2)
332 {
333 // Block is not nested.
334 $code_lines[$i] = '$_' . $n[1] . '_count = ( isset($this->_tpldata[\'' . $n[1] . '.\']) ) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata[\'' . $n[1] . '.\']) : 0;';
335 $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . 'for ($_' . $n[1] . '_i = 0; $_' . $n[1] . '_i < $_' . $n[1] . '_count; $_' . $n[1] . '_i++)';
336 $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . '{';
337 }
338 else
339 {
340 // This block is nested.
342 // Generate a namespace string for this block.
343 $namespace = implode('.', $block_names);
344 // strip leading period from root level..
345 $namespace = substr($namespace, 2);
346 // Get a reference to the data array for this block that depends on the
347 // current indices of all parent blocks.
348 $varref = $this->generate_block_data_ref($namespace, false);
349 // Create the for loop code to iterate over this block.
350 $code_lines[$i] = '$_' . $n[1] . '_count = ( isset(' . $varref . ') ) ? sizeof(' . $varref . ') : 0;';
351 $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . 'for ($_' . $n[1] . '_i = 0; $_' . $n[1] . '_i < $_' . $n[1] . '_count; $_' . $n[1] . '_i++)';
352 $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . '{';
353 }
355 // We have the end of a block.
356 unset($block_names[$block_nesting_level]);
357 $block_nesting_level--;
358 $code_lines[$i] .= '} // END ' . $n[1];
359 $m[0] = $n[0];
360 $m[1] = $n[1];
361 }
362 else
363 {
364 // We have the start of a block.
365 $block_nesting_level++;
366 $block_names[$block_nesting_level] = $m[1];
367 if ($block_nesting_level < 2)
368 {
369 // Block is not nested.
370 $code_lines[$i] = '$_' . $m[1] . '_count = ( isset($this->_tpldata[\'' . $m[1] . '.\']) ) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata[\'' . $m[1] . '.\']) : 0;';
371 $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . 'for ($_' . $m[1] . '_i = 0; $_' . $m[1] . '_i < $_' . $m[1] . '_count; $_' . $m[1] . '_i++)';
372 $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . '{';
373 }
374 else
375 {
376 // This block is nested.
378 // Generate a namespace string for this block.
379 $namespace = implode('.', $block_names);
380 // strip leading period from root level..
381 $namespace = substr($namespace, 2);
382 // Get a reference to the data array for this block that depends on the
383 // current indices of all parent blocks.
384 $varref = $this->generate_block_data_ref($namespace, false);
385 // Create the for loop code to iterate over this block.
386 $code_lines[$i] = '$_' . $m[1] . '_count = ( isset(' . $varref . ') ) ? sizeof(' . $varref . ') : 0;';
387 $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . 'for ($_' . $m[1] . '_i = 0; $_' . $m[1] . '_i < $_' . $m[1] . '_count; $_' . $m[1] . '_i++)';
388 $code_lines[$i] .= "\n" . '{';
389 }
390 }
391 }
392 else if (preg_match('#<!-- END (.*?) -->#', $code_lines[$i], $m))
393 {
394 // We have the end of a block.
395 unset($block_names[$block_nesting_level]);
396 $block_nesting_level--;
397 $code_lines[$i] = '} // END ' . $m[1];
398 }
399 else
400 {
401 // We have an ordinary line of code.
402 if (!$do_not_echo)
403 {
404 $code_lines[$i] = 'echo \'' . $code_lines[$i] . '\' . "\\n";';
405 }
406 else
407 {
408 $code_lines[$i] = '$' . $retvar . '.= \'' . $code_lines[$i] . '\' . "\\n";';
409 }
410 }
411 }
413 // Bring it back into a single string of lines of code.
414 $code = implode("\n", $code_lines);
415 return $code ;
417 }
420 /**
421 * Generates a reference to the given variable inside the given (possibly nested)
422 * block namespace. This is a string of the form:
423 * ' . $this->_tpldata['parent'][$_parent_i]['$child1'][$_child1_i]['$child2'][$_child2_i]...['varname'] . '
424 * It's ready to be inserted into an "echo" line in one of the templates.
425 * NOTE: expects a trailing "." on the namespace.
426 */
427 function generate_block_varref($namespace, $varname)
428 {
429 // Strip the trailing period.
430 $namespace = substr($namespace, 0, strlen($namespace) - 1);
432 // Get a reference to the data block for this namespace.
433 $varref = $this->generate_block_data_ref($namespace, true);
434 // Prepend the necessary code to stick this in an echo line.
436 // Append the variable reference.
437 $varref .= '[\'' . $varname . '\']';
439 $varref = '\' . ( ( isset(' . $varref . ') ) ? ' . $varref . ' : \'\' ) . \'';
441 return $varref;
443 }
446 /**
447 * Generates a reference to the array of data values for the given
448 * (possibly nested) block namespace. This is a string of the form:
449 * $this->_tpldata['parent'][$_parent_i]['$child1'][$_child1_i]['$child2'][$_child2_i]...['$childN']
450 *
451 * If $include_last_iterator is true, then [$_childN_i] will be appended to the form shown above.
452 * NOTE: does not expect a trailing "." on the blockname.
453 */
454 function generate_block_data_ref($blockname, $include_last_iterator)
455 {
456 // Get an array of the blocks involved.
457 $blocks = explode(".", $blockname);
458 $blockcount = sizeof($blocks) - 1;
459 $varref = '$this->_tpldata';
460 // Build up the string with everything but the last child.
461 for ($i = 0; $i < $blockcount; $i++)
462 {
463 $varref .= '[\'' . $blocks[$i] . '.\'][$_' . $blocks[$i] . '_i]';
464 }
465 // Add the block reference for the last child.
466 $varref .= '[\'' . $blocks[$blockcount] . '.\']';
467 // Add the iterator for the last child if requried.
468 if ($include_last_iterator)
469 {
470 $varref .= '[$_' . $blocks[$blockcount] . '_i]';
471 }
473 return $varref;
474 }
476 }
478 ?>